Language Line
If English isn't your first or preferred language you can still use our services.
Language Line is private, confidential and free to use.
The interpreting service is provided through Language Line Solutions. Language Line provides a 24-hour telephone service that connects you to a qualified interpreter in under a minute.
How to Access the Interpreting Service
To access the service you must request an interpreter when booking your appointment. The easiest way to do this is simply to ask the person helping you if they can provide a Language Line interpreter.
The service can be used any time of the day from any location using any type of telephone. However, access may be limited depending on the opening hours of the department you need help from.
Please note you cannot call Language Line directly to request an interpreter, this service must be arranged via the practice.
Point to the language you require or inform the person helping you of your language
The person helping you will call Language Line to request an interpreter who will ensure you are understood
The interpreter will introduce the person helping you
You are now able to talk directly to the person helping you